Some Appropriate Right-wing Slogans
- I am always O.K.. You are never O.K..
- We can dish it out; but can't take it.
- Your sex life is our business. ( Rack Jite )
- Our favorite words in English language : me myself i
- Sabotage is our weapon.
- We care about working families - really,
we do.
- Intelligence is not our strength.
- Our "thinktanks" range from stupid to braindead.
- Hypocrisy is our being.
- Judge us not by our affiliations.
- Prevention is not better than cure.
- We are out of touch with average people.
- Real issues are not our concern, but Clinton's sex life is.
- When it comes to the democrats,
we always bite more than we can chew.
- Stupidity, cowardice, short-sightedness and bigotry are our way of life.
- Isolation
is good for globalization.
Securing America's Future, the Republican Way – The Real Top 10 Republican Slogans
The Washington Post
April 28, 2002
Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) proposes some slogans for the republicans :
"Securing Prescription Drug Benefits for Almost 6 Percent of American Seniors"
- "Securing Unlimited Oil Drilling Rights in Wildlife Refuges and National Parks"
- "Securing Crowded Classrooms and Crumbling Schools"
- "Securing the Records of Vice President Cheney's
Giveaways to the Big Energy Companies."