Conservative Correctness
Here's a little something that I developed in "debating" (which resembles
real debate like using an AK-47 for hunting resembles "sport") dittoheads.
ALL the information is taken from the responses and activities of various
"neo-conservatives" (I can't call them Conservatives, they AIN'T) on local BBSes.
- anonymous
Now, in the interests of "equal time", here are the Rules of Conservative Correctness :
- if anyone disagrees with you, they are a "Democrat"
- if anyone argues with you, they are a "Liberal"
- if they argue with you and actually present data (formerly known as "debating"), shrug it off as "propaganda from the Liberal Media"
- if you cannot rebut the argument pick on details such as misspellings,improper punctuation or taglines.
- If your opponent has an unrefutable argument, change the subject.
- if your opponent consistently overturns your "correct" stories (anything told by Rush Limbaugh), use ad hominem attacks.
- anyone who puts life over profits is a "tree hugger".
- anyone who refutes or debates "correct" science (Creationism, Ecological Stability) is a "sky-is-falling" reactionary.
- anyone who opposes the melding of religion and government is one of the "liberals" who helped create the rampant immorality today.
- any federal program created by a Democrat, or that "looks" Democratic is "socialistic".
- dismantling programs and restrictions on spending then sending the
money to states as a "block grant" is better than having a standardized Federal program with rules.
- giving tax money to People is "enslaving them", giving tax money to Corporations is "making jobs".
- anything that does not turn a profit for private corporations is "an elitist" operation.
- always take everything personally.
- whatever your weakness is, blame it on your opponent.
- the more narrow and prejudiced your sources, the more you project that onto your opponent.
- when your opponent attacks a Republican/conservative President's policies, blame them on a Democratic Congress (or vice versa).
- when quoting your opponent, edit his words to conform to "correctness".
- anyone who reads anything beyond "the Limbaugh Letter" is an "ivory tower intellectual"
- when all else fails, lie ( like JF )