"Compassionate" Conservatism
- Standing against raising minimum wage.
- Pledging to do away with a woman's right to choose.
- Banning late-term abortions under ANY circumstances.
- Killing the Patients' bill of rights to favor the insurance industry.
- Standing with the NRA against SENSIBLE gun control.
- Telling parents it's their responsibility to make sure their kids don't kill or get killed.
- Smothering campaign finance reform to help big corporations and allowing the majority who support it a belated hearing in the dead of night.
Standing with Big Tobacco against regulation.
- Telling parents it's their responsibility to make sure their kids don't smoke.
- Rolling back affirmative action and anti-discrimination laws.
- Cutting taxes and spending more for defense.
- Cutting "wasteful" domestic programs to pay for the above-mentioned taxes.
- Supporting vouchers that funnel public money into religious institutions.
- Opposing healthcare reform intended to aid the uninsured.
- Standing against SENSIBLE Environmental Protection to favor the corporate cronies.
- "Saving" Social Security by letting retirees gamble their life savings in the stock market.
- Standing by your political cronies when their hypocrisy is exposed.
- Putting PROFITS before PEOPLE.