The Day Of The Trial


( or A Visit from a Soft-Spoken Grumpy and
His Twelve Dwarfs - with NO OFFENSE to Clement Clarke Moore or
our height challenged friends )

'Twas the day of the trial, when all through the House
Thirteen rats were conspiring to zap a bad spouse.
The Senate waited for Hyde and his boys
To chatter before them of Bill and his toys.

With visions of Monica stuck in their heads
These rats were forgetting who'd been in THEIR beds.
With Flynt to remind them and Carville to scream
This waste may all end soon and end this bad dream.

When "Will of the People" is considered "mob rule"
A change is afoot at the next voters' duel.
To the poles we will hasten to cast our next vote
As Republicans seek a more positive note.

While back at the Senate, the trial's underway
With Bob Barr in spotlight and Hyde looking gray.
Armed with the notions of hero Ken Starr
And paid-for-abortion by loud-mouth Bob Barr.

Hypocrisy drips from these "Managers'" lips
Like so many holes in lost sinking ships.
Ready to sling their slimy first stones
In the pretense of protecting one Paula Jones.

Hyde begs for his witnesses supporting his Starr,
"Now, MONICA, KATHLEEN - (Please ignore Bob Barr)!
To the depths of Ken's smut! On this quiet Senate floor
Come help me remove Bill from our White House door!"

As we voters witness this spectacle rare
We mourn for a Congress that remembers to care
For OUR needs, for OUR will - and NOT their own spurn
For a President's folly with a White House intern.

george w. bush

pearly gates